Hydroshield Water Fountain


A ridiculously powerful blade of water

Imagine the reaction on your guests faces when all of a sudden a 30m wide, 10m tall screen erupts upwards out of the water!

The water screen is then rear projected on using one of our 10k lumen projectors inside a VizBox enclusure to dazzle the audience with graphics and effects. 

What is it?!

Our HydroShield is a projection surface made of water which we use to make projections, laser graphics and back lighting effects visible. But contrary to water screens, where water drops fall down from above, the HydroShield emerges semicircular from the bottom upwards. It consists of a special 180° flat nozzle together with a particularly large pump system.

It is essential to have a permanent water source, therefore the nozzle must be placed in a lake or the like. For the best effect, the HydroShield should use rear projection. This creates a unique and stunning effect, as the images appear to move and dance as the water flows

Our fountain screen is able to appear and disappear within seconds - an advantage over other kinds of screens.

If you think our water screen would be a great fit for your project, please get in contact to discuss further.


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